Top 5 Online Courses on US-China Relations

Since 1949, the US-China relationship has been confronting many challenges and has experienced conflicts and cooperation over issues such as climate change, economics, politics, trade, and Taiwan. However, over the past decades, optimistic forces, beliefs, and interests have facilitated bilateral ties, but now unwelcome pessimism, hostility, and a zero-sum mentality prevail between the two Great Powers. If you are interested in international relations and want to have a grasp on the most complex bilateral relationship, learn about US-China relations. An …

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What Are the Most Powerful Countries in the World?

Power rankings exist for everything, whether a brand, sports team, company, celebrity, or country. Knowing power rankings might seem frivolous, but actually, it is quite helpful to understand a country’s power relative to its peers. Wondering why? A country well-versed in its power rank can better make strategic decisions for different fields and strive hard for its long-term well-being than a country unaware of its power rank. Moreover, being global leaders, powerful countries shape foreign policies and economic patterns whose …

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What Does a Diplomat Do?

Have you ever dreamed of working in foreign services or finding a job that allows you to travel to different countries? If so, consider becoming a diplomat. A misconception related to diplomats is that they are primarily attending swanky cocktail parties with top-level officials. The truth is quite different. A diplomat has a dynamic role. They represent and protect their home and host country’s interests abroad. If you want to know what a diplomat actually does, this guide has got you …

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