Which Countries Are Still Under Dictatorship?

A dictatorship is a form of government where one person or a small group holds all power. As an autocratic government, a dictatorship severely restricts freedom, free speech, dissent and other elements essential to democracy. Human rights tend to suffer under dictatorships. What countries are controlled by dictatorships? In this article, we’ll examine what countries are still under dictatorship, what types of dictatorships exist and whether there are more dictatorships now than in the past. Dictatorships exist when an individual, …

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What is a Country? Definition, Facts and Examples

The world is a complex system of governments, cultures, populations, corporations, common and competing interests, and other powerful forces. The borders between countries are just one way to structure the globe, but they are one of the most influential and recognizable. In this article, we’ll explore what a country is, what everyone should know about the world’s countries and examples of what countries can look like. While there is no clear international definition for a “country,” it is generally defined …

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Top 14 Movies about International Affairs

International affairs, also known as international relations, are the interactions between sovereign states. It’s a broad field, which means anything concerning economic partnerships, security fears, cultural exchanges, multinational businesses and more all fall under “international affairs.” Human rights, the climate crisis, and global health are also part of the complex web. That makes the field an interesting topic for movies, especially when political conflict, international espionage and war are centered. In this article, we’ll describe 14 movies about international affairs. …

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The 13 Most Powerful People in the World 2023

Power is a complicated concept. It means different things in different scenarios, but in general, it refers to the ability to wield authority, force, and influence. Within international relations, it can refer to economic or military power, as well as an actor’s ability to influence other actors through coercive, cooperative, or competitive means. In this article, we’ll discuss 13 individuals who wield significant power in 2023. We consider factors like their wealth, their positions of authority, and their social influence. …

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Direct Democracy 101: Meaning, Facts, Examples

Who holds the most power in society? Who decides what laws and policies govern our lives? In direct democracy, the people exercise the most power. With roots in ancient history, direct democracy is a system where citizens vote on every issue that affects their lives. There are currently no true direct democracies, but many countries weave pure democratic processes into their systems. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of direct democracy, present the most important facts, and describe modern …

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Ambassadorships 101: Meaning, Facts, FAQs

Ambassadorships are the highest-ranking posts for diplomat officials. Known as ambassadors, these officials represent their home country’s interests while living in a host country. They’re vital to communication and negotiation between the states, and so enjoy certain privileges and protections not granted to other non-citizens. In this article, we’ll get into a more thorough definition of an ambassadorship, present five of the most important facts, and answer five of the most frequently asked questions. What is an ambassadorship?  Ambassadors are …

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The Largest 15 Historical Empires Ruling The World

In their long history, many empires arose and fell, each leaving a mark on the path of human civilization. Their enormous territories, impressive military might, and mutual diversity fascinated the world and influenced the the destiny of millions. From ancient eras to recent epochs, these empires sprawled across vast regions encompassing continents far and wide. They conquered lands, established trade routes, fostered technological advancements, and forged cultural exchanges between distant civilizations. Most have crumbled into smaller regions and countries over …

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15 Pros and Cons of Studying International Relations

In today’s interconnected world, international relations play an important role. They encompass political, economic, social, and environmental relationships among sovereign countries, international institutions, non-governmental organizations, international corporations, as well as public institutions at various levels. Understanding this complex field is crucial to comprehending global issues. Studying international relations offers rewarding insights into the political-economic as well as social dynamics shaping our world. However, like any other major discipline, it has both advantages and disadvantages to consider when deciding whether to …

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15 Best Movies About Counterterrorism

Cinema has long served as a mirror reflecting the nuances of contemporary society, and perhaps no subject demands a more intricate exploration than that of counterterrorism. From covert operations and intelligence gathering to the moral dilemmas inherent in safeguarding the greater good, movies centered around counterterrorism offer a window into the intricate web of complexities faced by individuals and nations combating global threats. Here are our 15 top picks about counter terrorism. #1. Zero Dark Thirty (2012) “Zero Dark Thirty,” directed …

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The 10 Largest Naval Battles in History

Throughout the annals of human history, pivotal naval battles have left an indelible mark on the fate of nations, altering the course of wars and shaping the world as we know it. From the clash of mighty armadas to the daring feats of naval strategy, these moments of maritime conflict have resonated through time, their impact rippling far beyond the ocean’s expanse. In this article, we delve into the realm of naval warfare and present ten historic battles that not …

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